Ingredients: Weetabix, peanut butter / almond butter / nutella, cocoa powder, sugar
Rough proportions: More weetabix than peanut butter? not much cocoa powder and sugar.
- Blend some weetabix (I used the protein version). If you crumble it, it doesn't stick together properly. If you blend too much, you'll lose some of the crunch.
- In a bowl, mix the weetabix with some peanut butter - keep adding more peanut butter it can hold together when formed into a ball. 2:1 weetabix to peanut butter is a good start.
- Prepare a second bowl or tray with a 50/50 cocoa powder/sugar mix
- As you prepare the balls, roll them in the cocoa, and leave them in the cocoa. After a while, the cocoa will soak in, and it will turn a dark colour. When it does, you can roll it again. I like to do it in a big tupperware tub, and shake the tub once I've prepared several.