Ingredients: Weetabix, peanut butter / almond butter / nutella, cocoa powder, sugar Rough proportions: More weetabix than peanut butter? not much cocoa powder and sugar.

  1. Blend some weetabix (I used the protein version). If you crumble it, it doesn't stick together properly. If you blend too much, you'll lose some of the crunch.
  2. In a bowl, mix the weetabix with some peanut butter - keep adding more peanut butter it can hold together when formed into a ball. 2:1 weetabix to peanut butter is a good start.
  3. Prepare a second bowl or tray with a 50/50 cocoa powder/sugar mix
  4. As you prepare the balls, roll them in the cocoa, and leave them in the cocoa. After a while, the cocoa will soak in, and it will turn a dark colour. When it does, you can roll it again. I like to do it in a big tupperware tub, and shake the tub once I've prepared several.