Climb up to standing on shoulders. Lift right foot (make sure left foot is held solidly). Take the right foot in hand. Lower, support against shoulder. use head to help stabilise leg.
shuffle the left foot onto left hand
tempo - little pop to get left foot onto left hand
Stand facing same direction, base behind. Base squat. right hand to right foot in f2h grip. left is hand to hand. flyer jumps. base presses up - taking care to put lots through the hand. release hand, float up, grab left foot with left hand.
Start by practicing tempo - make sure they are straight up and straight down. each catch starts with a little tempo.
Do a bum down - should be able to stall it at bases chest height
catch in a cradle - tempo, at last moment base puts flyers feet only a little to the side. flyer DOES NOT PIKE. spot with a two-base catch. extra person can spot the head.
can catch in a star shape - base arm between legs, arm under armpit. just a small tip in rigid shape from the flyer. can handstand cartwheel out. spotter spots under the whole thing, doesn’t try and mirror the base.
can catch in a straddle, sitting on both biceps, bases hands between legs and up. from here, can do half tip forwards, then cartwheel out - or - full flip to land on feet. Can also get into this position straight from the floor.